Brown Brothers Patricia Shiraz 750ml

$55.00 $80.00
  • Brown Brothers Patricia Shiraz 750ml

Brown Brothers Patricia Shiraz 750ml

$55.00 $80.00

Named after Patricia Brown, the Patricia range is a combination of the best that we can do in viticulture and winemaking, and it is very special to the company and the Brown family. The wines must pass our strict selection criteria to be released, which is why we don’t release every vintage. The Patricia wines see the best oak and minimal handling to ensure all the flavour is retained in the bottle. In optimum cellaring conditions this wine will continue to develop over the next 5 to 8 years.

Tasting Notes


Dark inky colour with vibrant purple hues..


The nose is ripe with blackberry and currant fruits, spice and liquorice characters.


The palate is intense and concentrated with great balance.

Note: Product image used are for illustration purposes only, vintage may vary.