Brown Brothers Sparkling Cienna 750ml

$18.00 $27.00
  • Brown Brothers Sparkling Cienna 750ml

Brown Brothers Sparkling Cienna 750ml

$18.00 $27.00

Bursting with summer berries, vibrant ruby red, and fine bubbles that create a joyful, refreshing celebration. Raspberry, cherry, and a hints of blueberry. Serve chilled for the perfect experience.

Tasting Notes

Colour: Vibrant ruby red.

Nose: Fresh red berry fruit and a hint of spice.

Palate: With fruit sweetness on the palate it is rich and juicy with a beautifully balanced bubble.

Food Pairings: Versatile to pair with spicy food with spice or even sweet dessert like meringue with mixed berry coulis. Great wine to enjoy on its own too!

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