Wynns Coonawarra Chardonnay 750ml

  • Wynns Coonawarra Chardonnay 750ml

Wynns Coonawarra Chardonnay 750ml


Wynns Coonawarra Estate Chardonnay demonstrates that Coonawarra offers suitable environments for both fine whites as well a premium red wines. The long ripening season from Coonawarra’s cool southerly climate produces Chardonnay with excellent varietal character. Poached pear and stone fruit characters balance the soft natural acidity. Underlying complex barrel ferment characters present an elegant, beautifully balanced Chardonnay that will continue to develop with short-term cellaring.

Nose: White stone fruit, poached pear with cashew nut creaminess.

Palate: First produced in 1981, this wine benefits from the cool southerly climate and the long ripening season produces a wine with excellent varietal character. Poached pear and stone fruit characters balance the soft natural acidity.

Note: Product image used are for illustration purposes only, vintage may vary.